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Our Detailed list of Export Orders Done So Far


M/s.Isgec John Thompson, Noida, Partex sugar-2004
M/s.Isgec John Thompson, Noida, TPC Tanzania-2005
M/s.Isgec John Thompson, Noida, Unique Bangladesh-2005
M/s.Isgec John Thompson, Noida, Kakira I & II-2005
M/s.Isgec John Thompson, Noida, Citi group-2006
M/s.Thermax Ltd, Pune, Lurgi # 1-2006
M/s.Thermax Ltd, Pune, Lurgi # 2-2006
M/s.Thermax Ltd, Pune, Qatar Vinyl-2006
M/s.Thermax Ltd, Pune, Cabot-2006
M/s.Thermax Ltd, Pune, Nestle columbia -2006
Black & Veatch Consulting Pvt. Ltd, JERP-2006
M/s.Thermax Ltd, Pune, Reliance PL0011-2006
M/s.Thermax Ltd, Pune, Reliance PL0012-2006
M/s.Thermax Ltd, Pune, Bechtel-2006
M/s.Thermax Ltd, Pune, Bechtel-2006
M/s GB Engineering Enterprises (P) Ltd, Alexandria Carbon Blak Co-2006
Chemtex Global, JERP-2006
M/s.Thermax Ltd, Pune, JERP-2006
M/s.Thermax Ltd, Pune, Bechtel-2006
M/s.Thermax Ltd, Pune, Bechtel-2006
M/s.Thermax Ltd, Pune, Bechtel-2006
M/s.Thermax Ltd, Pune, Bechtel-2006
M/s.Thermax Ltd, Pune, Bechtel-2006
M/s.Thermax Ltd, Pune, GHCL , Romania -2006
M/s.Thermax Ltd, Pune, Thai Carbon-2006
M/s.Thermax Ltd, Pune, Thai Carbon-2006
M/s.Thermax Ltd, Pune, KBR-2006
M/s.Thermax Ltd, Pune, Karthal vinyl)-2006
M/s.Thermax Ltd, Pune, KBR-2006
M/s.Thermax Ltd, Pune, KBR-2007
M/s.Thermax Ltd, Pune, KBR-2007
M/s.Thermax Ltd, Pune, KBR-2007
M/s.Thermax Ltd, Pune, Areva A/c BUA SOMMAI-2007
M/s.Thermax Ltd, Pune, Areva A/c BUA SOMMAI-2007
M/s.Thermax Ltd, Pune, Ansaldo-2007
M/s.Isgec John Thompson, Noida, Mumias-2007
M/s.Isgec John Thompson, Noida, Nakambala-2007
M/s.Isgec John Thompson, Noida, Sancarlos-2007
M/s.Isgec John Thompson, Noida, Mid Siam Sugar Co. Ltd-2008
M/s.Isgec John Thompson, Noida, Longview Power LLC-2008
M/s.Thermax Ltd, Pune, Thai Carbon-2008
M/s.Thermax Ltd, Pune, Lamson Project-2008
M/s.Isgec John Thompson, Noida, Indure Pvt. Ltd, UAE-2009
M/s.Isgec John Thompson, Noida, Indure Pvt. Ltd, UAE-2009
M/s.Isgec John Thompson, Noida, Kohn Kaen Sugar Power Bangkok, Thailand.-2009
M/s.Isgec John Thompson, Noida, Kohn Kaen Sugar Power Bangkok, Thailand.-2009
M/s.Isgec John Thompson, Noida, Campagnie Sucriere Senagalaise, Senagal-2009
M/s.Thermax Ltd, Pune, ECO OIL-2009
M/s.Isgec John Thompson, Noida, Bhutali Sugar Mills Ltd, Kenya-2009
M/s.Thermax Ltd, Pune, Foster Wheeler-2009
M/s.Isgec John Thompson, Noida, Petrobrass-2009
M/s.Isgec John Thompson, Noida, Petrobrass-2009
M/s.Enmas GB Power Systems Projects Ltd / , Dalkia-2009
M/s.Thermax Ltd, Pune, Nestle Project-2009
M/s.Margen Impex Ltd, —-2009
M/s.Isgec John Thompson , Petrobrass-2009
M/s.Isgec John Thompson , Petrobrass-2009
M/s.Isgec John Thompson , Kohn Kaen Sugar Power Bangkok, Thailand.-2010
M/s.Isgec John Thompson, Khon Kaen sugar power plant ltd-2010
M/s.Fives Cail-Kcp Limited , Finchaa Sugar Factory-2010
M/s.Thermax Ltd, Pune, Egyptian Fertilizer-2010
M/s.Thermax Ltd, Pune, Egyptian Fertilizer-2010
M/s.Thermax Ltd, Pune, Egyptian Fertilizer-2010
M/s.Isgec John Thompson, Transmara Sugar Mills Ltd-2010
M/s.Isgec John Thompson , Sukothai Bio Energy Ltd-2010
M/s.Isgec John Thompson, Sukothai Bio Energy Ltd-2010
M/s.Isgec John Thompson , Sukothai Bio Energy Ltd-2010
M/s.Walchandnagar Industries Ltd , TENDAHO, Ethiopio Project-2011
M/s.Air Liquide Engineering India Pvt. Ltd, LILO INDIA-2011
M/s.Vinayak Enterprises, Vietnam-2011
M/s.Isgec John Thompson, Magdalena Sugar Mills, Guatemal-2011
M/s.Isgec John Thompson , Palo Gordo Sugar Mill, Guatemal-2011
M/s.Thermax Ltd, Pune, Alexandria Sugar (PF -1191)-2011
M/s.Thermax Ltd, Pune, Alexandria Sugar (PF-1192)-2011
M/s.Air Liquide Engineering India Pvt. Ltd , LILO – MEXICO-2012
M/s.Thermax Ltd, Pune, Technip / Algeria-2012
M/s.Air Liquide Engineering India Pvt. Ltd / , AL-CHILE-2012


M/s TCI Sanmar Chemicals LLC., TCI Sanmar-2008
M/s.TCI Sanmar Chemicals LLC. Egypt, TCI Sanmar-2009
M/s.Union Paper Mills Ltd, Dubai, UAE, —-2009
M/s.Foster Wheeler Energy (I) Ltd, CTCI, Taiwan-2010
M/s.Petroquimica Suape, Brazil, PQS PTA Project-2011
M/s.Punj Lloyd Ltd / FTP Project, PTT Public Ltd, Thailand-2012

Detailed List of about 200 satisfied customers